Visualizza Versione Completa : TheSMSCenter v3.0

13-03-2010, 10:21
TheSMSCenter v3.0


Il nostro compaesano ::MIK:: ha rilasciato un aggiornamento del suo famoso homebrew: TheSMSCenter, il quale permette di inviare gratis sms tramite una connessione wi-fi. Changelog:

• Added routes to Spain, Belgium, Japan and United Kingdom
• Added cursor to move around in the message’s text
• Fixed some bugs improving general stability
• New startup menu
• New sending system (no more bug of nonsense “wait 3 mins to send a new sms”)
• Improved Phonebook:
- no contacts limit
- added function to delete contacts
- added searching function (the match will be searched in all the three fields of every contact)
(at the moment this function return the first occurrence matching the searching criteria)
• Added TMS (Thesmscenter Message System) to send messages from DS to DS. To send a TMS you must specify the “TMSid” of the receiver. The TMSid is the nick of the user you want to send message to. This system doesn’t require the waiting of the 3 mins to send new messages.
• Decreased time to wait to send a new sms from 3 minutes to ONE

IMPORTANT!! In the rar archive, there is the file “TheSMSCenter-Tool1#.nds” that MUST be runned only ONCE: it is a tool to convert the phonebook’s file used in the previous versions (smscenter/data/phonebook.ini), into one compatible with the new phonebook engine. Anyway, I SUGGEST to not delete the phonebook.ini file (just for backup)
Download= 133
Sito Ufficiale (http://smscenter.supercard.fr/index.php?lang=ita)

John Locke
13-03-2010, 10:52
Ma ti devi registrare per poterli inviare?

13-03-2010, 11:04
si ti devi registrare sul sito ufficiale dove devi mettere il tuo numero di cellulare cosìcchè quando invii gli sms dal ds compaia il tuo numero :)