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Discussione: Rilasciato Custom Firmware per PS Vita da Total_Noob

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di Prometheus_91
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    Rilasciato Custom Firmware per PS Vita da Total_Noob

    Rilasciato Custom Firmware per PS Vita da Total_Noob

    Ebbene si ragazzi come da titolo e stato rilasciato un Custom Firmware per psvita,Total_Noob questo il nome del dev che ha rilasciato il Custom Firmware compatibile con il recente Urbanix Exploit,questo CFW, e un CFW PSP che funziona sulla Vita PS il firmware 1,81 se si č in possesso del Mini Urbanix, Questo Mini puō ancora essere acquistato sul PSN, ma probabilmente mentre scrivo lo stanno gia togliendo..

    Le parole del dev.

    You will notice that Total_Noob mentions that Coldbird got access to his exploit from a “trusted” person on the scene. That person is me, and I broke the trust TN put in me by doing so. I already apologized to Total_Noob for this, but more explanations and a public apology will come in another post. What I think is important to mention for now is that Coldbird’s CFW (the thing that was leaked) was actually not using TN’s exploit.

    - Instructions

    * At first you go straight to the PSN Store and DOWNLOAD URBANIX AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

    You’re lucky if you already own this mini/if the mini hasn’t been removed yet.


    else just buy it.

    * Extract the “NPEZ00176″ folder to “PSSAVEDATA” and copy the new savedata to your PSVita with CMA.

    * Launch Urbanix game and after the savedata loading the screen should be flashed WHITE, before it automatically starts “TNMenu 0.1″.

    - About “Custom Emulator Firmware “CEF” 6.60 TN-A”

    Actually it isn’t correct to call it “CEF 6.60 TN-A”, because the kernel is always 6.60, but changes are within the PSVita Firmware. But anyways, it doesn’t matter how the CFW is called.

    –This “CEF” does NOT have anything to configure yet. All configurations of the previous Custom Firmwares are not available, as they are not useful for “CEF”.

    –It DOES NOT support PSX. By emulating 6.60 pops modules I get PSX working, but there is no sound, so better let it be.


    * Possibility to load unsigned homebrews and modules.

    * Possibility to load plugins (NPEZ00176/GAME.TXT, NPEZ00176/POPS.TXT).

    * Possibility to play ISO/CSO with March33 and Sony NP9660 driver.

    * Possibility to get back to TNMenu by holding the START BUTTON for some seconds.

    * “CEF” renames “EBOOT.PBP” to “FBOOT.PBP”.

    * Protects you from removing license files. If these files get removed, you have to download the game from PSN Store again.

    So you may lose “CEF” for Urbanix, if the game already has been removed.

    - About “TNMenu 0.1″

    This menu is developed with OSLib. IT IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, so it may have some bugs.


    * /\ to delete a file.

    * X to install a homebrew, or to load a homebrew/game. (by pressing R TRIGGER you load backup in march33 mode, else in sony np9660 mode)

    * Arrows to move.

    Prepare homebrews:

    * Create an ZIP archive of the homebrew, saved as: “FILENAME.ZIP/PSP/GAME/THISISAHOMEBREW/EBOOT.PBP”.

    * “FILENAME.ZIP” can be saved somehow, it just MUST BE UPPER CASE LETTER and the filename can ONLY BE 8 CHARACTERS LONG.

    * Save the archives all in the “NPEZ00176″ folder.

    Install ISO/CSO:

    You cannot copy ISO/CSO with TNMenu yet. In the next version I’ll add this feature.

    * Prepare and install PSPFiler 6.6.

    * Copy ISO/CSO to the “NPEZ00176″ folder, UPPER CASE LETTER, 8 CHARACTERS LONG.

    * Copy/Move the backup file to “ms0:/ISO/” with PSPFiler.

    * Play it from TNMenu.

    - Donation

    If you want to spend me some snacks and drinks, you can donate me:

    Thank you

    - Bug reports

    * Can anybody please LEAD A CLEAN thread (best if he is moderator) somewhere on a forum, where users can write their questions, requests, bug reports and etc

    So I have got a better overview than if everybody is mailing me.

    - Some informations

    * This “CEF” IS NOT ripped off from Coldbird’s CFW. If you want to know something, I gave my “CEF” to a very important person from the PSP scene a long time before and this very “trusted”

    person sent my “CEF” to Coldbird. Coldbird naturally reversed my trick of using own modules (f0-kd-systemctrl.prx, etc). Thumbs up to this very important person.

    Anyways it doesn’t matter, I just wanted to tell you

    * The kernel exploit does only exist on Emulator Firmware. That’s why “Tony” released the flash0 dump, doesn’t he?

    * The source code will be released after a new PSVita Firmware release.

    - Credits

    * Dark_AleX, author of Custom Firmware: Thank you master for your impressive work, I always admired you

    * Thanks to the guy who found Urbanix Exploit.

    * Coldbird for “his” kxploit.

    Da qui potete scaricarlo gratis


    Scaricate il mini Urbanix
    Scaricate il CFW
    Estraete la cartella NPEZ00176 in PSSAVEDATA e copiare il nuovo salvataggio sulla PS vita tramite CMA
    Lanciate Urbanix caricate il salvataggio e vi troverete automaticamente nel TN menu pronti ad installare il CFW.

    Download cfw:

    L'universo č cambiamento; la nostra vita č il risultato dei nostri pensieri.

  2. #2
    Senior Member L'avatar di Agrippa90
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  3. #3
    L'avatar di Prometheus_91
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    Dove tutto ebbe inizio...
    hai gia acquistato il gioco?
    L'universo č cambiamento; la nostra vita č il risultato dei nostri pensieri.

  4. #4
    Senior Member L'avatar di Agrippa90
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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Prometheus_91 Visualizza Messaggio
    hai gia acquistato il gioco?
    si ieri , stavo aspettando questa notizia dell exploit su psp :D

    questo č proprio un vero hack ragazzi ......Sony ha giā rimosso urbanix (sono stati rapidissimi) , entro pochi mesi possono bucare le protezioni ps vita con questa scoperta.

  5. #5
    L'avatar di Ace
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    Questa si che č una grande notizia :D
    Se vi sono stato utile e non sapete come sdebitarvi io vi consiglio di ascoltare il mio amico qui vicino. In fondo cliccare su una stella non costa nulla

  6. #6
    L'avatar di Prometheus_91
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    Dove tutto ebbe inizio...
    a mio parere prendere il gioco scaricate il cfw ma attendete serve comunque un open manager per le iso psp per avviarle e credo che non tarderā ad arrivare!
    L'universo č cambiamento; la nostra vita č il risultato dei nostri pensieri.

  7. #7
    Senior Member L'avatar di Paolo_000
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    Questo Mini puō ancora essere acquistato sul PSN, ma probabilmente mentre scrivo lo stanno gia togliendo...
    [SIGPIC] 3298[/SIGPIC]

  8. #8
    L'avatar di Prometheus_91
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    Dove tutto ebbe inizio...
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Paolo_000 Visualizza Messaggio
    se ti serve ho un codice
    L'universo č cambiamento; la nostra vita č il risultato dei nostri pensieri.

  9. #9
    Senior Member L'avatar di Agrippa90
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    mi sā che hanno tolto il minis io non lo vedo pių su psn

  10. #10
    L'avatar di Prometheus_91
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    Dove tutto ebbe inizio...
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Agrippa90 Visualizza Messaggio
    mi sā che hanno tolto il minis io non lo vedo pių su psn
    di giā sapevo nel psn usa!
    L'universo č cambiamento; la nostra vita č il risultato dei nostri pensieri.

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