è notizia di ieri quella apparsa su vari forum, il dongle cobra usb è stato hackerato... riporto qui le dichiarazioni nell'hacker in questione
First I am going to say that this is not going to be an article, just a first blog post and some info about my recent project.
Finally I got my hands on cobra it was quite a lot of time since I touched this last time. There was s good things happened since then eg. I reverse engineered usercheat and true blue, had done alot ps3 and not ps3 related hacking. There was a bad things eg. BlueDiskCFW, lv0 leak, alot of devs leave the scene...
Cobra was for me really "the last" thing I have to do.
The last time when I worked on this I didnt had a dongle, and all what I had was a dump by JaiCraB. I reverse engineered it as much as possible, figure out almost all tricks, encrypton and etc. And figuare out that it reads alot of data from dongle, and I cant do much without dongle itself. Thats why I put this project to the back burner.
Well... I had never buyed anyone dongle, and I never was not going to. All my dongles was donated ( thanks again ) but not that time.
it was hard for me to make this decision but a few days ago cobra finally shipped to me...
3 days and now its all over.
Security is good enough, but not without big security risks. But it still the best crypto/obfuscation what I had seen on ps3. Sony have something to learn from this guys, especially now.
Cobra / True Blue almost identical, have the same source code, if you ever hacked 1 thing, 2nd wouldnt be a problem. The main functionality, honestly, not changed since original jb. Thats a shame. Thats why I cracking them like nuts
On the fourth day I taked a decision to make my own "OpenCobra" payload. only clean code without drm and garbage, to be able to port it to any new firmware, and change/add features. It taked 2 days, 3000 lines of asm, and you had seen the result.
Atm it based on 4.1 payload, plans for future is check/add new features from 4.4/5.0. Port to a new firmware (if cobra will not do this for me), and realize all nice innovations from new version of psp emu, such as better emu accuracy, 3D and etc...
This tag related patches handled by mngr. So far I want to move it in payload. First I have to check how it handled in 4.4 / 5.0
Not sure yet when it will be released, if it will be, but we will see.
Le fonti sono siti concorrenti molto affidabili... la scena PS3 continua a muoversi, ora anche l'ultimo dei dongle è caduto